Frequently asked questions

What brands can you find on thejungledog ?

You can find a variety of brands in this jungle. We are committed to providing transparency and information so that you can make your own decisions. Each brand is presented in a comparable way and peer ratings and comments help you understand what the brands are about.

Are the brands claims verified?

Transparency of brand claims is very important to us and is one of the reasons we exist. We are committed to providing you with the information you need to make your choices. There are different levels of verification that Brands on the jungle dog may acquire: Level 1 - unclaimed This means that the information we hold about the Brand in the directory has not been verified by the brand themselves . Level 2 - claimed This means that the information we hold has now been verified by the brand themselves. This does not refer to the ratings as this is independent information directly sourced from the rating organization.

What if I cannot find a brand I am looking for?

It might mean that we just have not yet come across this brand! Please let us know when this happens using this Suggestion Form. OR become a volunteer and add the brand yourself - you do not need to add all information, just as much as your time allows - its a community project, someone else will do the rest.

How sustainable is thejungledog itself ?

We are trying our best , with all the resources we have at hand ( by using our own directory ;-) ) - but we are not failproof , as we all know, sustainability is a journey, easy to make mistakes, easy to overlook a topic or an issue. If you have any suggestions, questions, please let us know by sending an email to we would love to hear your feedback and ideas

What is an expert an how can I become one ?

As often the view on a certain brand, action, topic really depends on how much knowledge one has, we bring on board experts from different sustainability areas, who give their opinions, advise and recommendations. These are People we verified personally - it may be consultants specialized in specific topics, researchers, NGO's working on a specific topic - they need to proof their proficiency to us and their profile will be visible too. If you want to apply as an expert, please contact us -> "here" - we would be more than happy to have you on board.